Thursday , February 13 2025

ITP (Income Tax Practitioner) Exam Question and Suggestion

ITP (Income Tax Practitioner) Exam Question and Suggestion is most important to every student who are attained in ITP examination. Today I like to share with you about basic question of Accounting, Bangla & English of ITP examination. The Accounting, Bangla & English question are bellow-

Accounting- i)                   Definition of Accounting, ii)                 Describes the feature of gift, iii)              What is the transaction, iv)                What is the equation of accounting transaction, v)                 What is the double entry system, vi)               What are the procedure of double entry system, vii)            Describe the circle of Accounting, viii)          Describe the  modern procedure of debtors and creditors and also the equation, ix)               What is the meaning of journal, x)                  Definition of journal, xi)               What is the meaning of ledger and it’s definition, xii)             Difference between journal and ledger, xiii)          What is the definition of trail balance, xiv)           Why the trail balance is equal in both side, xv)             What is the meaning of contra entry with double entry, xvi)            What do you mean by final accounts, xvii)        What is the Authorized Capital and Paid up Capital, xviii)      Difference between Share and Stock

Bangla- i)   Bakka Songkochon/Akothai Prokas, ii)   Beporith Shobdha, iii) Ukti, iv)  Karok, v) Pad, vi)  Bachon, vii)  Beram Chinno, Joti Chinno, Chead Chinno, viii)   Sondhi, ix)  Somarthak Shobdha, x)  Latter, xi)   Application, xii)  Vabsomprosaron, xiii) Sarangsho, xiv)  Essay,

English- i)  English to Bengali, ii)   Bengali to English, iii)  Essay, iv)  Paragraph, v)  Letter/Application, vi)               Translation, vii)  Free Writing, viii)  Composition, ix) Grammar (Voice, Narration, Transformation of sentence, Degree)
I think so, the above topics are helpful for you, if you likes the suggestion please subscribe by chennal SaifSafe from Youtube

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About Imran

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