Thursday , February 13 2025

Why Recondition Vehicle Purchase from Showroom or Import from Abroad

Why Recondition Vehicle Purchase from Showroom or Import from Abroad is depended on the exchange value of the vehicle. When we purchased the expected vehicle from the showroom, will pay the extra cost which is included showroom cost, Admin Cost & profit.

When we import the expected vehicle from abroad, will not pay the extra cost of showroom owners. This is the main point to identify the benefit both of purchases (Import Vs Showroom). The below honda CV-R import calculation is for you.

New Honda Car CR-V SUV 1498 CC MRW288 Type KU MY 2021
CurrencyConversion RateBDT 
 JPY               53,785,710.240.7806        41,985,125
TypeTax baseRate %Amount
CD   41,985,125.4125%           10,496,281
RD   41,985,125.413%             1,259,554
SD   53,740,960.5245%           24,183,432
VAT   77,924,392.7615%           11,688,659
AIT   41,985,125.415%             2,099,256
AT   77,924,392.765%             3,896,220
ATV     5,194,829.64                           –  
Total Declaration            53,623,402
Cost Price of Car in Bangladesh Tk.    95,608,528
Duties Calculation
Assessable Value        41,985,125 Declaration Amount
Add. CD @25%        10,496,281        10,496,281
Duty paid Value        52,481,407 
Add. RD @3% on AV          1,259,554          1,259,554
AV, CD & RD Value        53,740,961 
Add. SD @45% on AV, CD & RD Value =        24,183,432        24,183,432
Base value on VAT        77,924,393 
VAT @15%        11,688,659        11,688,659
AIT @5% on AV          2,099,256          2,099,256
AT  @ 5% On Base Value on VAT          3,896,220          3,896,220
ATV @ 133.34% @5%          5,195,219 
Total Declaration         53,623,402
Duties Calculation

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About Imran

Be a perfect human for every one.

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