Wednesday , February 12 2025

Government forms new wages board for GARMENTS (RMG) sectors in Bangladesh.

Government forms new wages board for GARMENTS (RMG) sectors in Bangladesh. Now a days we all are hearing a news in difference media like Face book, Twitter, Electronic media for increasing RMG sectors wages. Few years ago after RPT “Rana Plaza Tragedy” factory workers wages has been increased from Tk. 3,000 BDT. to  5300 BDT. Now we are observing that RMG sectors wages will be increase for the present situation (Price Hike all Necessary Items) of Bangladesh. The upcoming wages may be 8000BDT.

The government has formed a new wage board for the Garment sectors to formulate a new wage structure for apparel workers. State Minister of Labour and Employment Mr. Mujibul Haque hunnu made the announcement in his office in the capital at Sunday.

Government forms new wages board
Government froms New Wages

The Trade union leaders were making demands for a new wage board related with Government forms new wages board. Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) also struck the government to form new wage board for the RMG sectors.

Considering the demand from both sides, the government has decided to form a Government forms new wages board, as per minister opinion.

The board will be monitor by Senior District Judge Mr. Syed Aminul Islam as chairman. BGMEA President Mr. Siddiqur Rahman and Women’s Affairs Secretary of Jatiya Sramik League Shamsun Nahar Bhuiyan will represent the owners and workers respectively.

So, we will also inform that the grade wise basic wages for RMG Workers.

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About Imran

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