Children are both physically and mentally developing throughout their childhood in a autogarment. They are not always aware of cause and effect and this makes them more vulnerable to safety risks than adults. We at Auto Group therefore have a strong focus on safety for children. It’s important that our children’s products are developed and produced with safety in mind throughout all stages, from design, through production and all the way to the point of sales and beyond. The purpose of this document is to set the Auto Group safety requirements for children’s products, in order to eliminate or minimize safety risks. This documents will cover the most common safety risks in children’s products, but not necessarily all. A risk assessment for children’s safety will be carried out by H&M Group for all children’s products.
All children’s products (age 0-14) must fulfill the safety requirements, also after normal and foreseeable use and abuse.
It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that Auto Official documents are communicated to all subcontractors, e.g. yarn, fabric and trim suppliers. Auto Group reserves the right to cancel any order, or if already delivered, return/destroy the goods if the safety requirements are not fulfilled. If you have any questions, please contact your local Auto Production office.
It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that Auto Official documents are communicated to all subcontractors, e.g. yarn, fabric and trim suppliers. Auto Group reserves the right to cancel any order, or if already delivered, return/destroy the goods if the safety requirements are not fulfilled. If you have any questions, please contact your local Auto Production office.
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