Thursday , February 13 2025

Child Care Room In Garment Sectors.

Child Care Room in garments sectors are most essential part of female worker. In every establishment, wherein 40 (Forty) or more female workers are ordinarily employed. There shall be provided and maintained one or more suitable room(s) for the use of their children under age of 06 (six) years as per Bangladesh Labour Code, 2006 Sec-94.

Child  Care Room for Femail Worker
Child Care Room

Requirement of Child Care Room:

The room must be provided sufficient spaces, light, and ventilation. Also maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. The room always should be  supervised by a women and she will experienced and trained in the care of children. The room will be easily accessible for the mother of children. So far as is reasonably practicable it shall not be situated in close proximity to any part of the establishment where from vexations fumes, dust or odors come out and in which excessively noisy works are carried on. The room will have to be soundly constructed and all its walls and roof will be of suitable heat-resisting materials and water-proof.

The height of the rooms is not be less than 360 (Three Hundred Sixty) centimeter from the floor to the lowest part of the roof. The floor-space for each child staying therein is being at least 600 (Six Hundred) square centimeter. The room also has securing and maintaining adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air. The child care food must be examine by a food consultant. The food will be including vitamin. Because of the all children are leave without his/her mother.


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About Imran

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