Capacity Selling of RMG Factory

Capacity Selling of RMG Factory and garments Sectors are more essential to preparation of budget. The Capacity selling is also import to maintaining upcoming budget. Every manufacture company accounts manager is thinking that about capacity selling when next year budget will be coming soon.

Here the below calculation is more important and efficient formula to capacity selling by marketing department.

So, now you have a production floor and also you have 670 Man, Machine 500, Working Hours 10 including general overtime (OT), also you have to known efficiency and working day 25 in month. So how many your available Standers Minute (SM) in your production floor.

Particulars Jan’19
Man ��������� 670
Machine ��������� 500
Working Hr/Day ����������� 25
Working Days ������ 10.00
Efficiency 55.00%
SM Available (Lac) ������ 55.28
Balance Capacity ������ 44.73

Here total SM 55.28 Lac is available for 55% efficiency and 44.73 balance capacity is also efficient. Here the point of view that any accounts manager and management take effective decision on capacity selling any kind of factories. Every merchandiser are involved order confirmation from buyer. The order SM (Standard Minute of 01 Pcs production) is more important point of order confirmation.

You may also sales your capacity by work station. It’s also be more unique and new idea for an organization. We can also is using� our pricing software for make your order or product price. It’s will be your bid price to buyer.

[Total_Soft_Pricing_Table id=”1″]





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